First and foremost, I have no idea how I have not gained over 20 pounds (or rather kilos) in the past two months because Germans eat a crazy amount of bread. Sometimes I think I have eaten more bread in the past 2 months than I have my entire life, seeing as I rarely-to-never ate bread back in California, while here I eat it at least three times a day.
It has a been a rather fantastic week. I spent the weekend with what will be my second host family in the next couple of months where we visited parks and museums and it was great to have a brother again. I miss having my brother(s) around from time to time, even though I did not spend a lot of time when them when I was in California.
Monday was a holiday here in Germany to recognize the union of the states here, so we did not have school and I went to Heidi with one of the Rotarians (and his wife) from my club to watch a 'hunt.' There were over 50 horses (we followed by horse drawn carriage which was better for me seeing as horses are my biggest fear) and 20 dogs running throughout the wilderness. It was beautiful.
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