When people talk about the week before exchange as the fastest week of their life, they really are not exaggerating. Trust me on that one.
I had my going away party on Sunday and it was honestly the most fun I have had all Summer, which is definitely saying something because I have had a great Summer. It was fantastic to see everyone one last time, and I was surprised at how people who I thought I would not see for a long time-such as Glenda Sales (thank you Glenda! :D ), as well as Valerie and Gay, and a lot of my family members and long-lost friends who I have not been able to see in ages- were all there for one more memory.
It is a mere 6 days until I leave for Germany, which will probably be the longest and shortest 6 days of my life.
When people talk to me about the exchange, the first question EVERYONE asks me is "Are you excited?" and despite having been asked this question literally over 100 times, I honestly do not have an answer. Of course I am excited! But when I think about it, my heart begins to race and I feel like I'm going to explode from excitement, so in a way I simply try not to think about it.
Another prominent question is "What are you most afraid of?" but to be honest, there really is not one specific thing. I have heard the 'horror stories' of people who have lost their luggage on the flight, or did not get along with their host families at all...but the way I see it, it is like having a baby. When pregnant, the mother should read books about how to care for and love her child, not a book about all the horrifying things that can happen to it, and that is exactly how I look at exchange. I'm simply trying to be open and accept everything that is about to be thrown at me.
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