Ich bin hier, and might I say, if anyone wants to learn their numbers and colors fast, go to your host sisters' friend's house for an evening of Monopoly and Twister! It sure worked for me.
Despite being long (around 28 hours) the travel time was not to horrible and all my flights left and arrived more or less on schedule. Though it did randomly start to poor in Philadelphia despite it being sunny and 85 degrees. Living in California, I'm really not used to spontaneous weather like that.
Hameln is beautiful, and the Autobahn scares me. Everyone here drives unbelievably fast, like it's something everyone is America knows about... but you don't actually realize just how fast it actually is until you experience it. It's also crazy how many people talk on their cell phones while driving, (for those of you who don't live in California) this is illegal where I live so I am not used to seeing it nearly as much.
My home is in "the Beverly Hills of Hameln," a small village up in the hills of the town. I'll post pictures of the view once I have more time, the internet is extremely slow (which is good and bad, I'm not nearly as tempted to waste time away on the computer) .
Yesterday I went into town with my mom and sisters to go school shopping. They have a Build-a-Bear Workshop in the mall, and a 'Forever 18' (instead of 21), it's pretty awesome. xD
School starts next Thursday and my older sister's Chemistry teacher will apparently be showing me the ropes. Apparently on the last day of school last year she told everyone to be very friendly to me and to come up and hug me because "I'm American and that's just what we do" and all the pupils (as my sister world say) looked at her as if she was crazy because German's are nearly as open to strangers Americans are.
(I'll add pictures later when I have better internet)
oh gosh good luck with the hugging. I think I vaguely remember you saying you disliked hugging?
ReplyDeleteGood memory Nina. It'll be strange because it will be awkward for both parties. xD