Come on people with American IP addresses! According to my “flag counter” 1,031 different German IP address have visited this blog while only 1,011 (U.S.) American IP address have! The Germans have 20 IP address on you USA! And while this blog is open to everyone, it was originally intended for Californians, so come on Californians, let’s get “Angie’s Odyssey” out there!
Germany has been in the mid to high 60s all weekend (we had a lovely four day weekend), which of course means that I have been putting my one pair of shorts as well as my bikini to good use by going to the ‘kiesteich’ (like a small lake) for a majority of the weekend. We also had my ENTIRE extended family on my host-dad’s side
over for the weekend… it was very fun finding 17 extra ‘beds’ around the house… and it was fun to meet them all. They met a couple of my friends, and we even set up ‘the pool’ in the backyard. Even though my host-mom slept in until 12 the day after they left, it was nice to be around a big extended family again.
Saturday was simply not my day. While my German actually is pretty good, I somehow managed to ask my uncle if he wanted a kiss instead of a pillow, ask a friend if he meant he almost hit me in the balls or another (male) friend, and best of all, instead of shouting out “Woah mushey!” when the ground in the lake suddenly became soft, I shouted out “Woah! Vagina!” and clearly got some unwanted attention. As much as I love German, it definitely makes my life ‘the bad type’ of interesting at times… Especially in English class when I have to switch my brain from German-mode to English-mode… that’s never a fun task.
Sunday I went with my family on a weird biking adventure. Only pictures can describe these strange bike…things but if nothing else I got lots of exercise, yummy ice cream, and I shocked my host family by telling them organic foods DO in fact exist in the USA. Who ever would have thought?!
“Grillen” (or BBQ) in Germany is a big deal because the weather has to be warm enough for someone to be willing to stand outside long enough to grill the food, and because the weather was so spectacular this weekend we got the special treat of BBQ both Saturday and Sunday night. Even the newspaper said in the weather section that it was perfect “grillenwetter.” And speaking of the newspaper, there was an article about my exchange and my mini-internship with the police on Thursday. I was looking at train tickets at the train station when someone pulled me to the side and asked if the person in the newspaper was me because we looked so similar. Turns out it actually was me. ^^ (Thank you random stranger for bringing that to my attention.)
*For those of you who can read German, clicking on the photo of the article will make it larger*
A friend of mine has postcards all over the wall in her bathroom, and I saw this one and it simply made my day. I just might have to steal it from her next time I go over (or ask her where she got it if nothing else).
Man: “Excuse me Ma’am, one of your breasts is hanging out.”
Oh, and we mustn't forget how lovely my German friends are. Last Wednesday I went to my best German friend’s house and we made pizza and afterwards I was tired so I took a nap on the couch. Rather then pulling his little sisters away from playing with my hair (amongst other things), he took out my camera and took pictures of them doing it. (Hab dich auch lieb Leo.
P.S. In Germany, you can get cheep alcohol ANYWHERE. McDonalds and movie theaters included. I think it’s funny how even this ice cream menu has to specify what dishes DON’T have alcohol.
P.P.S. Congratulations to all the Maria Carrillo 2012 graduates! I miss you all!
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