It’s raining, it’s pouring, the old man is snor… wait a second, it’s December in GERMANY, it shouldn’t be raining, it should be snowing! We had the first snow of the season yesterday, but it didn’t last long, and it only stayed on the ground for about half an hour, but today it’s been back to raining.
This past weekend Rotary Club Hameln hosted a Christmas Market in the center of Hameln, and on Sunday I went for a few hours and helped out. All the games were so simple yet everyone had such a good time. For example, I worked at a stand
where all you had to do was hammer a nail into a piece of wood, yet hundreds of people came up and paid one euro to do it.
I’m not really sure what language I think in anymore, but it’s a mixture of German, English, and the occasional Spanish word or phrase. I had an epiphany the other morning when I was talking to my host-mom, I realized I understood everything she was saying, but I wasn’t translating it to English in my head. Also, last week I was out with my friends and I said something in German and one of my friends corrected my grammar, then he paused and after a moment he said, “Wait.. no you were right. How on earth did you know that when I didn’t?”
Last Thursday I went and saw the new Twilight film with my best friend, I swear it was completely his idea; I’m not a Twilight fan! He wanted to see it and knew his other friends wouldn't go with him because they are all guys, but he didn’t want to go alone so he asked me to go with him. German movie theaters are so different… the popcorn is sweet (not salty), you sit in an ‘assigned seat,’ people walk through the isles to sell ice cream(like at a baseball game), and if your under 18 and the movie ends after 12 a.m. you can’t stay and watch it. I was surprised at how much of the movie I understood despite it being in German, and Leo and I thought it was great how Taylor Lautner took his shirt off literally in the first 5 seconds.
Saturday night was a Rotary dinner and I am really glad my host-brother came because we were the only two ‘kids’ there. We had a surprisingly good time though, and there was a really cool choir group and Julien and I spent most of the time arguing over what language they were singing
in because every song seemed to be different. Also, today I woke up to find chocolate and teddy bears in my shoe because it is Saint Nikolas Tag!
Even though my German gets better every day, I still make mistakes. Like the other day in art, when I was looking for a piece of cardboard (that looks like a pregnant woman), I accidentally said “Where is my slut?” instead of “Where is my pregnant woman?”
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