First and foremost; a Vorabiparty (pre-graduation party) would be my high school principle’s worst nightmare. At a vorabiparty, all the upperclassmen go to a club, and dance the night away. Everyone dresses up and it’s a pretty big deal, it’s vaguely similar to an American ‘homecoming dance…’ the only difference being everyone drinks. The club serves alcohol and because 16 is the legal drinking age for beer, you have to be at least 16 to be allowed in (which is why it’s an ‘upperclassmen party’). I had a fun evening with my school friends, but all I could think about was how this would NEVER be acceptable at my high school in California. Even if my principle had heard about the party, he would go and put a stop to it because the flyer advertising the party has the prices for drink specials. Not to mention even though it’s a ‘high school dance’ people of all ages from anywhere can come. As long as you stay with a group of friends it’s a safe environment and the ‘security guards’ do a really through job… that being said, this would never be acceptable where I’m from. It’s hard for me to watch teenagers go to a grocery store to buy a case of beer without trying to hide it, just because that is so unacceptable in California.
We’re on holiday for one more week here in Germany so I have been doing different things everyday. Last Sunday, I went to the Heide-Park Resort with my Rotary Youth Exchange
Officer’s family (Vielen Dank Familie Vogeley!)where we watched pirate shows, rode roller coasters and had a lovely day overall. I am really lucky because several years ago, my Youth Exchange Offic
er went on exchange to America so not only does he speak fluent American English, but he understands American culture a lot better than most Germans because he has lived in it.
Monday, I went rock climbing with my counselor here. Usually Monday evenings we go climbing with my school friends in the climbing hall, but because we’re on holiday and it was a nice day, we went climbing outdoors at Ith (pronounced like “Eat”). While walking to the rocks, we noticed there were lots of nuts on the ground and my counselor said when were are lots of nuts, it means we will be in for a harsh winter. Afterword we had a lovely German bratwurst in a discrete shop. I have no idea how the place stays in business because it’s in the middle of NOWHERE, but the food was really good.